The BaseCamp USA Adventure helps young men and women to become the best version of themselves. Led and mentored by experienced, highly accomplished men and women who genuinely “walk their talk”, BaseCampers undergo a series of unique challenges, activities, and group learning courses designed to equip them for the future and life’s incredible journey.
Challenge The Rock
“Is there something more to life?”
“Why does it seem like everyone has it together but me?”
Are you looking for direction?
You are reading this for a reason…
As I draw back my fishing pole and cast the lure into the river,
I reflect on my day…
It was a day filled with adventure and so much growth! The times I wanted to quit are overshadowed by what I accomplished. I feel a little twitch on my line but realize it’s just my lure hitting the rocks on the bottom of the river.

The adrenaline rush decreases as I settle back into thoughts of rappelling. I know that the way I was able to push myself will keep me going in the tough times. My mind kicks around the thought of it being my choice, my adventure, and my win. I had to ask for help a few times and that was the most difficult part of the day. It’s easier to just keep it inside and hope it all works out.
BAM! A huge strike on my lure!
I’m not sure what kind yet but the guides tell me there are smallmouths in here. It’s fighting hard as it darts up the river. Man, this thing is strong. I have never caught anything besides a Bluegill before. My adrenaline is really racing now. It jumps and wow is it big! As I pull it from the water, I hear “that’s a nice one.” “Nice catch” is yelled from across the river. It feels great! My heart is pounding out of my chest!
These guys make me feel like part of their family. I am home.
Later on, staring into the fire my eyes begin to water…
I tell myself these are not tears, but they are. The emotions become more intense. Do I say something or do I just hold it in? I hear another voice say it’s okay. I realize I need to let it out. I slowly whisper I haven’t been the man I need to be to my wife; she needs all of me. I haven’t been the father I need to be to my kids; they need to hear “I love you!” The people that call me friend have only seen the Instagram version of me. “Everything is good.” “I’m okay.” The smiles and the laughter are all hiding the tired emotionally empty part of me.
I know I can be a better person. The changes I have made already have given me motivation. These friends sitting around the fire with me are my brothers and sisters. They are helping me and I am helping them. We are on a journey together and this journey is making us better people. These guys have my back.
I feel a sense of calm come over my body as my shoulders relax. As I listen to the others I begin to understand the importance of a band of brothers. We are in a battle together and this battle just became a whole lot easier.
My mind focuses on my home life. Do I love my wife? Yes, of course I do. Does she know that I love her? I think she does. As I question this, my thoughts begin to convict me. I know I can do better. She deserves better.
I have not been the husband I want to be. She deserves better from me. I think back to the argument we had last week. I did not listen to her. She was wrong (I think), she doesn’t know what I go through every day. I love her, why doesn’t she just know it? Do I need to tell her? I am beginning to understand that. The way she loves is very different from mine. I need to treat her the way she wants to be treated, not the way I want to be treated.
It is Your Choice to be the Difference in the World You Live in
So often we push away the idea that we can make a difference. We choose to coast through life hoping everything works out. We don’t grow because we stay in our comfort zones. Choosing to let life pass us by and leaving us feeling empty. The gap between who you are and who you want to be is much smaller than you think. It takes a few steps in the right direction to find the place you want to be.
It is easy to overlook personal development in our daily lives. As a leader in your work, school, church or at home it is easy to think there is nothing more to work on. We have figured it all out until the next big challenge smacks us in the face. The leadership style you project is a full-time process – one that involves ever changing ideas and new ways of thinking. If you settle on what you know, life will pass you by and it will be difficult to catch up.
Leadership is not a way of thinking, its actions to help build others up. We are all cut out for much bigger things than people who want to hold us down believe.
Step Into a New Adventure at BaseCamp USA
Here at Basecamp, you will learn how to challenge your mind. Get out of your comfort zone and find ways to shine. You will be able to find the tools for your own personal success. You have unlimited potential. People who are told they can’t, and believe it, will fail. It’s up to you to use the fuel to light the fire in your life.
BaseCamp is a place where change happens. This change isn’t just momentary, it’s lifelong.
You can feel your heart pounding as you find yourself floating in the air. What a rush as you get closer and closer to the top of the Giant Swing. Your team continues to encourage you to reach your goal. They all know that the choice is yours. You count down in your head “3, 2, 1”, and yell, swinging as you begin to fly through the air. The feeling is unlike anything you have felt before. Everything’s coming together, it is so much easier to see what has been holding you back. Your true self is showing. The guys around you are noticing and encouraging you to keep pushing yourself.
Understanding that everything you do makes a difference, what kind of difference do you want to make?
Cole said, “BaseCamp has given me a sense of foundation and structure.”
Cole knew there was something missing in his life. The experiences he went through helped create lifelong positive change.
That fire will only continue to grow if you keep feeding it.
Join us and help yourself turn things around. We will walk with you through your fears and pains. It’s your choice; don’t miss out.
BAM! A huge strike on my lure!
I’m not sure what kind yet but the guides tell me there are smallmouths in here. It’s fighting hard as it darts up the river. Man, this thing is strong. I have never caught anything besides a Bluegill before. My adrenaline is really racing now. It jumps and wow is it big! As I pull it from the water, I hear “that’s a nice one.” “Nice catch” is yelled from across the river. It feels great! My heart is pounding out of my chest!
These guys make me feel like part of their family. I am home.
Later on, staring into the fire my eyes begin to water…
I tell myself these are not tears, but they are. The emotions become more intense. Do I say something or do I just hold it in? I hear another voice say it’s okay. I realize I need to let it out. I slowly whisper I haven’t been the man I need to be to my wife; she needs all of me. I haven’t been the father I need to be to my kids; they need to hear “I love you!” The people that call me friend have only seen the Instagram version of me. “Everything is good.” “I’m okay.” The smiles and the laughter are all hiding the tired emotionally empty part of me.
I know I can be a better man. The changes I have made already have given me motivation. These guys sitting around the fire with me are my brothers. They are helping me and I am helping them. We are on a journey together and this journey is making us better men. These guys have my back.
I feel a sense of calm come over my body as my shoulders relax. As I listen to the others I begin to understand the importance of a band of brothers. We are in a battle together and this battle just became a whole lot easier.
My mind focuses on my home life. Do I love my wife? Yes, of course I do. Does she know that I love her? I think she does. As I question this, my thoughts begin to convict me. I know I can do better. She deserves better.
I have not been the husband I want to be. She deserves better from me. I think back to the argument we had last week. I did not listen to her. She was wrong (I think), she doesn’t know what I go through every day. I love her, why doesn’t she just know it? Do I need to tell her? I am beginning to understand that. The way she loves is very different from mine. I need to treat her the way she wants to be treated, not the way I want to be treated.
It is Your Choice to be the Difference in the World You Live in
So often we push away the idea that we can make a difference. We choose to coast through life hoping everything works out. We don’t grow because we stay in our comfort zones. Choosing to let life pass us by and leaving us feeling empty. The gap between who you are and who you want to be is much smaller than you think. It takes a few steps in the right direction to find the place you want to be.
It is easy to overlook personal development in our daily lives. As a leader in your work, school, church or at home it is easy to think there is nothing more to work on. We have figured it all out until the next big challenge smacks us in the face. The leadership style you project is a full-time process – one that involves ever changing ideas and new ways of thinking. If you settle on what you know, life will pass you by and it will be difficult to catch up.
Leadership is not a way of thinking, its actions to help build others up. We are all cut out for much bigger things than people who want to hold us down believe.
Your Choice is Important
What does that even mean? You have been told your choices have to fit into certain boxes. You are taught to be polite and behave as a child.
When you grow up, the confusion begins. People are confused when you say “I don’t know how to get away from these toxic relationships.” Or, “Just leave,” they tell you. The excuses start pouring out.
The main reason is, you were never taught to say “no” properly. Saying “no” can help you move through life and be healthy. It’s never too late to learn, it’s just much more difficult the longer you wait.
You Don’t Need to be in a Classroom to Learn
You just need a mindset of learning. We love being outside at BaseCamp. Our classroom can be in a building, but often we take our classroom outdoors. We find that changing where we meet can be a big advantage in the learning process.
Constantly looking for ways to grow is important if you want to keep up with what is going on in the world around you. It’s nice to learn new things but more important is to learn how to learn. Working through the process keeps your mind sharp! Being able to work through multiple choices or coming up with new ideas is how you are able to push yourself.
Step Into a New Adventure at BaseCamp USA
Here at Basecamp, you will learn how to challenge your mind. Get out of your comfort zone and find ways to shine. You will be able to find the tools for your own personal success. You have unlimited potential. People who are told they can’t, and believe it, will fail. It’s up to you to use the fuel to light the fire in your life.
BaseCamp is a place where change happens. This change isn’t just momentary, it’s lifelong.
You can feel your heart pounding as you find yourself floating in the air. What a rush as you get closer and closer to the top of the Giant Swing. Your team continues to encourage you to reach your goal. They all know that the choice is yours. You count down in your head “3, 2, 1”, and yell, swinging as you begin to fly through the air. The feeling is unlike anything you have felt before. Everything’s coming together, it is so much easier to see what has been holding you back. Your true self is showing. The guys around you are noticing and encouraging you to keep pushing yourself.
Understanding that everything you do makes a difference, what kind of difference do you want to make?
Cole said, “BaseCamp has given me a sense of foundation and structure.”
Cole knew there was something missing in his life. The experiences he went through helped create lifelong positive change.
That fire will only continue to grow if you keep feeding it.
Join us and help yourself turn things around. We will walk with you through your fears and pains. It’s your choice; don’t miss out.
email us at for more information.

BaseCamp USA is a unique life skills program designed for young men and women who choose to live courageously. And, as you sit around the campfire with your teammates and reflect on your day, you will come to know the importance of shared experiences that create lasting memories, great friendships and life-long change.

Each participant is assigned a mentor who guides their student in a series of intensive short courses focusing on healthy relationships, family, community, problem-solving, money management, time management, personal responsibility, health, fitness, teamwork, camaraderie, and adventure.

As you participate in the adventures, you will realize that your perspective has changed. You may be swinging from the Giant Swing, fifty-five feet in the air, and understand your fear was just a hurdle that you were able to push through. Or reaching for that next climbing hold, and find the necessary reserves of strength, that you thought had disappeared, are available deep in your mind.
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Grant Chitwood
Ethan Burke
Cole Wilson

Adam Reeder
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Ben Badger
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Josh Knapp
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Vincent Langston
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Jesse Marnocha
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Christian Lepinske
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Patrick Doan
BaseCamp USA Graduate

A.J. Badger
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Joshua Fortney
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Danny Gilbert
BaseCamp USA Graduate

Brad Schumacher

Mick Badger
BaseCamp USA Graduate