Deep down, I mean really deep down, we are all yearning for a connections with the one who is responsible for creating us. Yes, we have parents. However, we all have bigger questions:
- Who is God?
- Who am I?
- What is life about?
These questions cut so deep that we end up making really bad decisions struggling with the reason, “Why?”. We may even scream these questions out at the top of our lungs hoping for the answers to reign down like thunder and lightning. If only I had a sign!!! The louder the better.
Yet, in 1 Kings 19:11-12 we read about Elijah’s experience:
11. Then he said, “Go out, and stand on the mountains before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;
12. and the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

That small voice… it can be challenging to hear, So, we begin to wonder:
- Do I need a priest, pastor, or clergy?
- Do I have to talk (pray) early in the morning (…or afternoon. or evening…)?
- Am I holy enough, good enough?
- Do I need to be in/at church because that’s where he will speak, if at all?
- Am I spiritual enough?
- Is there a God?

It has been said that hearing the voice of God (the Holy SPirit) is NOT a skill to be acquired, rather, it is a sense to be sharpened. Notice that we are not encouraged to rely upon our emotions.
Here’s why:
- Holy Spirit’s voice aligns with Scripture; emotions contradict it.
- Holy Spirit’s voice is divine; emotions arise from biology and experiences.
- Holy Spirit’s voice is consistent; emotions fluctuate.
- Holy Spirit guides us according to God’s will; emotions will reflect our own internal state.
- Holy Spirit is reliable; emotions can deceive.
- Response to the Holy Spirit requires faith; managing emotions demands self-awareness.
- Hold Spirit has God’s support; emotions lack providence.
- Holy Spirit whispers; emotions can be volatile, impulsive and loud.

As our internal environment is sharpened, we begin to hear on the inside. But as we all know there can be multiple voices chattering. Here’s how you can discern when you’re hearing God; The voice you hear:
- Calms rather than obsesses us.
- Convicts rather condemns us.
- Encourages rather than discourages us.
- Enlightens rather than confuses us.
- Comforts rather than worries us.
- Reassures rather than frightens us.
- Stills rather than rushes us.
- Leads rather than pushes us.

So, are you ready to get serious about listening? In our society today, we need to replace our distracted life with opportunities to hear. You will need to exchange “important things” for life changing quite time: What’s distracting you from the most important relationship ever:
- Food
- Alcohol
- TV
- Reading
- Exercise
- Studying
- Hobbies
- Relationships
- Ministry
- Family
- Other

Finally, it is helpful to know that a change is apparent. What you will notice in yourself, and/or what others will being to see in you include:
- You are grounded in the midst of chaos.
- You pursue excellence in all you do (thoughts, words, actions).
- You demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control).
- You love with a divine love (astounds and defies explanation).
- You neither seek nor avoid controversy.
- You love the Word.
- You are secure in your identity.
Be persistent. Be patient. The effects will be gradual, and overtime will have an impact the defies explanation.
Submitted by: Jude Sullivan